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Rent News, How-To’s, and Advice

Helpful reads to guide you through finding and benefiting from
rental assistance and other housing programs

Are You Hard Pressed for Cash? Here's How to Find an Affordable Rental Space

Many business operators have faced financial problems because of the effects caused by the covid-19 pandemic. As a result, they have sacked or reduced employees' salaries to lower their wage bills...

DC Attempts to Turn Existing Home Space into Apartments

Few people probably know who DC's mayor is (Muriel E. Bowser, by the way), but everyone likely knows it's another Democrat. That's all DC elects; maybe because you can't spell Democrat without DC. Who knows? Though ano...

Rent is at an All Time High

Americans, like much of the rest of the world, have been having to pay a much higher cost to live since the COVID pandemic hit in 2020. Though unlike most other western nations, America's inflation is grossly out of proportion. While the expert...

Rent-to-Own: The Best Home Ownership Strategy You Should Consider This Year

Most people dream of owning homes at one point in their lives. While some achieve their desires without many challenges, others face numerous problems before acquiring their dream homes. Many lack en...

A Guide to Finding a Rental House in Your Desired Neighborhood

There are several considerations to make when searching for a rental house. Some of them include affordability and one with enough space to fit everyone who will live in it. You should also choose a house with...

The Rental Market is Dying a Slow Death

For those political people out there who thought former President Donald J. Trump was so polarizing that he had to be ousted from office, they seem to be awfully quite about current President Joe Biden whose vitriolic rhetoric aimed t...

Is Rent-to-Own Right for You?: The Pros and Cons of Rent-to-Own Programs

Buying a home is one of the biggest decisions that many people make in their lifetime. Not only is it an expensive investment, but it also involves a long-term commitment that may be too much for som...

Landlords in Houston Convert Large Houses into Rentals

If you've been in the market for a house, whether to buy or to rent, then you already know just how expensive things are out there right now. The same house that sold for $200,000 in 2019 is now selling for over...

Do You Plan to Rent a House? Here's What You Need to Know

When renting your first home, a mistake can cost you a lot of time and resources. That is why you need as much information as possible before starting your house-hunting mission. It will help you go out there with con...