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Rent News, How-To's, and Advice

Helpful reads to guide you through finding and benefiting from
rental assistance and other housing programs

Rent-to-Own: The Best Home Ownership Strategy You Should Consider This Year

Most people dream of owning homes at one point in their lives. While some achieve their desires without many challenges, others face numerous problems before acquiring their dream homes. Many lack en...

6 Tips to Help You Find the Right House to Rent

If you are planning to rent a house, there are several things you should do to avoid making mistakes and settling for the wrong one. Understanding the proper steps to take to get the best from your search process is essentia...

Landlords in Houston Convert Large Houses into Rentals

If you've been in the market for a house, whether to buy or to rent, then you already know just how expensive things are out there right now. The same house that sold for $200,000 in 2019 is now selling for over...

All the Information You Need before Renting a House with a Purchase Option

Are you planning to purchase a home? Then, it might be advisable to take your time to evaluate different buying options, enabling you to know the best depending on your situation. For example, if y...

Rent-to-Own Programs and Advice

Many potential homebuyers are prevented from purchasing a house because of the challenge of saving for a down payment and the high costs of mortgages. Credit scores and histories can also be problematic for those trying to buy a home. An...

The Considerations You Should Make Before Using the Rent-To-Own Plan

When planning to purchase a home, you should have all the required money to complete the process. If not, you will need to seek funding from a financial institution. However, you cannot get financing if ...

Is Rent-to-Own Right for You?: The Pros and Cons of Rent-to-Own Programs

Buying a home is one of the biggest decisions that many people make in their lifetime. Not only is it an expensive investment, but it also involves a long-term commitment that may be too much for som...

Things You Need to Know Before Renting an Apartment for the First Time

When the time comes for you to move out of your parent’s house, you will need to rent an apartment. While you will finally be excited to enjoy some freedom, it will come with extra responsibiliti...

What You Need to Know Before Buying Your First Home

It must be very exciting to buy a home for the first time. However, there’s a lot you need to know to avoid making mistakes and ending up in regrets. You need to understand the processes to follow and the people to...