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Rent News, How-To's, and Advice

Helpful reads to guide you through finding and benefiting from
rental assistance and other housing programs

Rent-to-Own: Why It Is the Best Home Ownership Strategy

Owning a home is one of the significant achievements you look forward to when you start earning. You may choose to build or buy a house. If you plan to purchase one, ensure to have enough information before starting the ...

DC Attempts to Turn Existing Home Space into Apartments

Few people probably know who DC's mayor is (Muriel E. Bowser, by the way), but everyone likely knows it's another Democrat. That's all DC elects; maybe because you can't spell Democrat without DC. Who knows? Though ano...

Reasons Why a Homeowner May Sell their Property through the Rent-to-Own Strategy

While there are several ways of owning a home, most will require you to have a down payment. However, the rent-to-own program might be the best option if you don't have a down payment. Most...

5 Quick Tips to Find Tenants for Your Property

Avoid feeling anxious if you can’t get tenants for your apartment or house because you can solve the problem. You might face challenges for several reasons, but you can do several things to improve your rental property ...

Do You Plan to Rent a House? Here's What You Need to Know

When renting your first home, a mistake can cost you a lot of time and resources. That is why you need as much information as possible before starting your house-hunting mission. It will help you go out there with con...

Ways to Save on Rent That You Wish You Knew Before

Rent can be one of the most expensive parts of your monthly budget. Learning new and creative ways to save on rent is vital to have more money for other necessities. Most people struggle to clear rent on time and usually ...

5 Tips for an Easy and Safe House Hunting Experience

5 Tips for an Easy and Safe House Hunting Experience Renting a new house can be the most exciting experience, especially if you are doing it for the first time. However, you may only understand how stressful and tiresome...

Are You Hard Pressed for Cash? Here's How to Find an Affordable Rental Space

Many business operators have faced financial problems because of the effects caused by the covid-19 pandemic. As a result, they have sacked or reduced employees' salaries to lower their wage bills...

Iowa to Offer $35m in Rental Assistance

Polk County, Iowa, wasn't necessarily hit any harder than anywhere else during the pandemic's height in 2020. Like most other places in the United States, they had to shut down the bulk of their businesses, and thousands of people wer...